

Abahope Inc. is a contracting company that provides end-to-end solutions for developing maintainable performant software using React, Next.js, Django, FastAPI, and AWS.

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A message from the Founder, Nassir Al-Khishman

I became passionate about software in my research Master’s when I found practical software problems that couldn’t be solved on a spreadsheet. Specifically, I worked on algorithms that find the optimal parameter combination in a continuous nonconvex parameter space. I enjoyed academia alot, but I wanted to innovate faster.

My desire to innovate rapidly brought me to industry. Some of the projects we have worked on include:

  • Developing ML-powered and regulated software with AI Metrics that radiologists use to search for cancer

  • A web application that graduate students and supervisors use to find each other

  • ML-powered software that recruiters use to increase the depth of applicant screening processes

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